I couldn't help but to share this collage from Natasha11. So punk rock yet pretty...I'm in LOVE.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Try Two
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hanging On to Last Bit of Summer
Sunday, September 21, 2008
What Not To Wear, At Least When Shopping In Norcal
Apparently a pair of studded ankle booties is all it takes to turn a few dozen heads, and get hit on by high school kids in this town. Ok, I need to start from the beginning. I was in one of my creative dressing mood this morning and decided against my better judgment to wear the new booties with my vintage Hemlut Lang cutoffs. The second I walked into the mall, two girls, technically store employees started making circles around me. Finally one of them came over to ask where I got my boots, and the other one asked what year is my Balenciaga and if she can touch it??!! Completely random, right?! As my shopping trip continued, I was practically stopped every 15 minutes either by some girl who wants to know where to buy the boots or by some guy who wonders how I'm able to walk in these babies. Most of the people looked at me with admiration, except for one girl, far as I know. When her guy companion told her to check out my shoes, the girl snarled and responded, she's probably a hooker. As soon as I heard that, I turned around to checkout the couple, (simply out of curiosity). Their faces turned into the color of washington apple when our eyes met...haha... Hey, this is a free country which means everyone's entitle to their opinions.
It's been fun, but I'll probably stay away from cutoffs and five inch stilettos for a while.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Eating Rampage in Fenway Park
This was my first time in the world renowned Fenway Park. The night started off nice and clear with a bit of wind chill. However, right before the start of the game, we were “blessed” with a down pour of rain storms! Talk about New England weather. I have say though, Red Sox fans are probably the loyalist fans a baseball team could ever wish to have, the stadium was at a near 100% capacity through out the whole entire windy, rainy game! What an inspirational experience, seriously.
As you can tell from the pictures, I had to put on a plastic cape which was practically made of saran wrap, in order to stay some what dry. But the game was fantastic. Red Sox won that night, for those of you who are curious.
I just have to end with a comment on Fenway Park's food, they have the most insanely delish crispy garlic fries I've ever had in a ball park.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Over The Knee Boots

JJB, hopefully these flat over the knee boots by Chinese Laundry is something of interest to you. You can find it here.
I always, or rather, I learned to dress based on how many meetings I have on a given day. Today is one of those days that I had to spend over 5 hours sitting in the meeting room, so something super comfy and warm is in order. Park Vogl makes some of the best fitting, work appropriate tees, which is just exactly what I need to get me through these brutal hours.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
This is how I rock
I'm BACK! My bday trip to NYC and
During the trip, we accidentally discovered that NYC recently lowered its clothing sales tax from 8.3% to 4.3%, hooray! I just couldn't resist picking up an amazing funnel collar leather jacket from Zara, along with some crazy psychedelic tights from Anna Sui. By the way, the 5” heel studded boots that KK order for my bday finally arrived! They are insanely high yet super comfortable when inserted with gel insoles, thank you Dr. Scholls!
I had to wear my skinniest skinnies with these boots for its first showing, which is probably not wise after a whole week of stuffing my face, but any other ways will just be wrong, either for these boots, or for my work. lol....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Boho Rocker

Source: style.com
Friday, September 5, 2008
Audrey Kawasaki

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Random Weekend Summary
Geeking Out
1) KK got me the coolest bday present ever, a Sony laptop with textured casing in white! My last laptop is 5 years old, and very much virus infested to the point that it has stopped functioning completely over the labor day weekend. KK sensed or rather heard an ear full of my complaints, being the santa that he is, he pick out this very sleek, Macbook-esk-without-Macbook-learning-curve for me. Mainly because I'm too cheap to spend money on electronics myself..haha..
2) On the same weekend KK got me the laptop, I finally decided to upgrade my phone! My wornout but still super sturdy Samsung was named the office dinosaur, you got the idea on how old it is. I took a leap and got an Instinct, which is definitely an iphone want to be, yet, without iphone's steep monthly plan, haha....