Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Wallet Is Grateful

Oh, I've been eyeing THE Carrie belt since SATC came out! Thanks to my little style muse, not only did I get a belt with similar studded design, it carried an extremely humble price tag! My wallet and I will forever be grateful!

By the way, I'm having this crazy obsession with the color royal blue, umm...I'm not exactly sure why, maybe it's because I'm feeling blue? I got this dress from FCUK for less than $30, but none of my accessories seemed to be working until this belt showed up! Now, what would KK say about this outfit? Keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully he will go easy on making fun of my "house on the prairie" dress...

By the way, the Miu Miu inspired skirt is little wrinkled during the shipping, so it doesn't look very puffy right now. I'll have a better picture of it tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

Blue dress is pretty cute!!! KK

Anonymous said...

Hi KK! Hope u're doing good! Loves the belt, skirt, and those cross necklaces, S! Now I can't wait to receive mine!! Would it be possible you send all of those (including all other accessories and urself) in one shipping? You know, a cute stylish girl is a girl's best accessory! hehehe -jjb