Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Fringe Bag

Sorry for being MIAed for the entire long weekend.

I have some good and bad news to report. Drum roll please.....I finally found the fringe bag that Erin Watson was carrying! The good news is, its not vintage, therefore it's actually purchasable! Now comes the bad new, it's by Etro and has a price tag over 3k! Maybe I'd rather it be a vintage, there-is-no-chance-in-hell-that-I-can-find-the-exact-same-one bag....sigh..

Besides my "heartbreaking" or rather "wallet breaking" discovery, we actually found some amazing shoes for CHEAP! Will upload pictures later today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOSH... want that bag too...but not for the price. I would rather go for chanel =) Will be waiting for updates of amazing shoes by the way! -jjb